We visited Cape Cod National Seashore which is a national park on the way out there. We traveled on 6A and there were studios, galleries and restaurants all the way out there. When we got to P-town we found narrow streets full of people walking and riding bicycles.There were inns and bed and breakfasts on every corner and restaurants in between. P-town at the end of Cape Cod on the bay which is part of the Atlantic. We made a couple of loops and headed back where we came from. We stopped at a seafood restaurant on the way back and had a late lunch or early dinner, whichever. It was outstanding. We came
back to the RV and took the dogs for a walk. We watched a movie (Appaloosa, a movie written by one of my favorite authors who died recently, Robert B Parker) and worked on a few projects. Our RV park is in South Dennis. At one time it was a trailer park but now it is weekend and vacation homes and a few transients like us. Property here is at a premium. It is very expensive and not much of it. They have used every inch of Providencetown.
Where are the pics of pottery? Map is a nice touch. Didn't realize the shape and size of the Cape. Love reading your blog--feel like I am there, too!